VANGUARD Pro Floyd Dean is a commercial photographer who has created stunning images for over 30 years.
Q: What does Mello Yello, Realtree and Vanguard Professional Floyd Dean have in common?
A: They all came together for a brilliant ad campaign designed to reinvigorate the Mello Yello brand.
Floyd Dean gave us a behind-the-scenes look at this high profile ad campaign, and we were glad to see Vanguard's products playing such a pivotal role on the photoshoot!
The Mission:
'Coca-Cola partnered with the agency United DSN to reinvigorate the fortunes of a classic soda from their extended portfolio. The challenge - To once again make Mello Yello credible, exciting and truly reflective of the ‘blue collar’ male audience that lies at the brand's core.
The Coca-Cola brand team brilliantly engineered a partnership between Mello Yello and the Realtree brand. United DSN, working closely with the brand and design teams, developed a powerful limited edition 360 campaign that targeted all touch-points for the iconic brand.
Authenticity was key to the success of this new project. By creating an advertising campaign featuring David Blanton, renowned outdoorsman and presenter of Realtree Outdoors (TNN) United, and photographer Floyd Dean of Dean Digital Imaging, they successfully captured the essence of the outdoor world.' (from the United DSN website)
The Photoshoot:
"There were so many challenges on the shoot. If you look at the water shot for instance... my VANGUARD Alta Pro tripod is arm out, with the legs of the tripod in the water and ground. This gave me the low angle and flexibility that I needed to get a stable camera," said Dean.
PICTURED ABOVE is the resulting shot - in all of its glory - on a local billboard.
"I need a lot of flex on how I mount my tripod and heads. We move fast and keep the momentum moving on my shoots."
Commercial photographers know better than anyone, it takes a long time to get things just right. Even tougher is making the fruits of your labor appear effortless.
" We did three days of total shooting and shot over 1800 frames on this shoot. I like to give my clients a lot of different angles and looks so they can have versatility for all of their uses."
PICTURED BELOW - Vanguard Pro Floyd Dean using his ALTA PRO 283CT tripod
Floyd Dean's incredible images, and the resulting campaign, can be seen in a variety of different mediums, from billboards on the side of the road to bus stops, traditional print to web.
Take a look at some of the final ads as they appear in the great outdoors and beyond... which in this case is the internet...
And you may notice, they even switched up the classic Mello Yello packaging by incorporating the patented Realtree camouflage.

Floyd Dean captures Americana on the Mello Yello / Realtree photoshoot
Tell us what you think about the campaign! Do you think Mello Yello will be successful with this new strategy?
Special thanks to Dean Digital Imaging, United DSN, Realtree and the Coca-Cola Company,
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