YPA Mentoring Program deadline extended to May 19th!

YPA Mentoring Program deadline extended to May 19th!

五月 06, 2014

The deadline for this year’s Young Photographers Alliance Summer Mentoring Program “Boundaries” has been extended until Sunday May 18th.

The program takes place over the summer between June1-August 31. You will meet together as a team for a series of 6-8 two hour sessions. Learn from leading industry professionals!

Benefit by-

  • Having your work prominently displayed to a worldwide audience
  • Gain experience and insights from leading industry professionals
  • Learn business skills necessary for an emerging photographer
  • Create exciting new work for your portfolio
  • Pushing yourself to expand your boundaries and potential

Mentors and team locations can be found at –


2014 theme “Boundaries”-

“There are no boundaries—only possibilities.” — Sakyong Mipham

Whether they are physical, psychological, legal or social we all have boundaries that can prevent us from reaching our goals or potential. We can treat them as a limit on personal development or a challenge to be overcome in order to progress. The way we respond to boundaries, our own or those set by other people and society at large, defines our place in society and hence our identity.

“Self-image sets the boundaries of individual accomplishment.” — Maxwell Maltz

You can set, build, respect, move, overstep or break down boundaries. Boundaries draw people together and divide people. They create security and conflict. Moving or removing boundaries can be an act of aggression or reconciliation.

For more details on this year’s program go to –

To apply you must be a YPA21 member and submit the following with your application-

  • 5-8 images
  • A letter of recommendation referencing your photographic abilities
  • A description of your photographic experience
  • A short statement on how you would approach the theme.


To register go to http://www.youngphotographersalliance.org/apply/index.php

Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity!

“I went into YPA hoping to learn about photography as a profession and to make a series I would be proud of and at the end of it all I built a work that is honest and courageous, I learned how to use my camera as an artists tool, and I feel indebted to YPA and my team of mentors and fellow photographers for such an amazing experience.” – Mei Ratz/Portland Oregon team (Best overall mentee 2013 Escape award)

 “It is funny how this program changed me as a photographer but also how much it influenced me as a person. Working on the escape project somehow helped to deal with what was waiting for me in the real life.
It makes this program and my project even more personal and important for me.
Thank you very much for the whole experience of the mentoring program.” – Anna Pitrowska/ (Bristol team winner best image for 2013 Escape UK team)

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